The themes of CES 2024
With the benefit of a few weeks to reflect on what I saw at CES, I thought it high time to share a few thoughts on the show.
In the introduction to my full report - which you can download here - I said:
Whether we look immediately around us to see the effects of mobility inequality, a year ahead to the US elections and its potentially chilling effect on the EV transition and global flows of technology, or 10 years ahead to a climate crisis well and truly entrenched, this is not the time to pursue business as usual, driven by quarterly financial reporting. We need more radical solutions.
Those radical solutions were, sadly, not in evidence from the car makers present.
All hope was not lost, however. Across consumer technology categories, there were many hints as to how car makers might usefully tap in to emerging consumer preferences.
The big themes of CES 2024
On this site, I'll share the detail behind a number of key themes that emerged at the show. These include:
Calm technology: Far from a new trend, CES nevertheless showed that calm technology continues to evolve and find new expressions.
Grid independence: As we enter a period of increasing instability, whether geopolitical or environmental, brands are tapping in to consumers' desires to feel safe, resilient, and autonomous from infrastructure that might fail.
Who run the world?: The scale and scope of Hyundai and Kia's ambitions in infrastructure and logistics are something to behold. But do they have the permission to play at this level? And the depth of competence to execute?
On the surface, not in service: After 2023, the year in which generative ai changed everything, its superficial presence at CES showed that companies are still trying to make sense of its transformative potential.
Post-app interactions: As large language models evolve into voice, text, and image-driven autonomous agents, the idea of the app as an interface might become redundant. What does this mean for HMI design?
Take it away now: Suppliers are working at making parking and charging ever more seamless and efficient, taking stress out of the car ownership experience.
Make it make sense: Some of the most interesting technologies at CES were focussed on breaking down barriers for people who are differently abled or neurodivergent.
To explore how these themes might inspire and inform your design strategy, get in touch!
Or sign up here to download the full CES 2024 Report, which includes:
The 7 themes listed above
Perspectives on 5 automotive launches
And deep context surrounding each
All up, you can expect 7,8000 words of opinionated, actionable commentary about the show, liberally illustrated with over 100 images and videos.